Saturday, 4 May 2013

Electronic Smoking (The dawn of Electronic Cigarettes )


Over the years so called "smart people" have 

invented many relatively useless and 

complicated devices.Lucky we have countries 

like China to bail us out every time.In 2004 

China created the created one of the Dumbest

gift to World...... the E Cigarette.

For those people who think money just magically "puffs" from the air, let me remind you that the 

Tobacco industry is one of the largest of all industries in the world and Cigarettes one it's main

products also for developed countries like america a large portion of GDP.According to the fact sheet of American citizen show that :

Percentage of U.S. adults who were current smokers in 2010:

  • 19.0% of all adults (43.8 million people)
  • 31.5% non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native
  • 27.4% non-Hispanic multiple race
  • 20.6% non-Hispanic white
  • 19.4% non-Hispanic black
  • 12.9% Hispanic
  • 9.9% non-Hispanic Asian

Some might try to argue and say just tax E cigarette but remember that E Cigarette is different  

from normal cigarette because while normal cigarette comes with usage time of 3 minutes the 

least a e cigarette come with a battery that makes that makes the consumer usage time 

expand.This may seem like an advantage to the consumer but Think about it  the real question 

everybody is it safe to use the product casually.The answer is Yes ,but at cost remember that 

the only only difference between e cigarette and real cigarette is the fact that the e cigarette 

contains only the highly addictive substance called nicotine.If nicotine  .This will increase the 

demand for nicotine in the society and will lead to a general prolong exposure to the addictive 

and harmful substance  which is not only  bad for the consumers that was reassured that this 

was harmless but to person who definitely addicted to smoking and genuinely want to quit  

One prove of this fact is shown in  pole below :

Pole showing increase in demand for E cigarettes
This increase will not only lead to a increase in the consumption among young people but make 

government's investment of literally billions of dollars seems like a waste of money because e 

cigarettes increases the demand for smoking which basically demoralizing the smoking and 

making society look on smoking as a good practice.
The picture of cigarette pack showing Smoking kills

So make your choice u can choose to be exposed to a prolong cancerous substance or leave 

smoking up to the ones who are dumb enough to avoid the millions of warnings that smoking is 

dangerous and enjoy a better standard of living

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